High number of IPS instant payments in New Year’s Eve
IPS NBS payment system for executing instant payments represents one of the state-of-the-art methods that is globally in use, which works in 24/7/365 regime - because of which citizens of Serbia could make credit transfers even in the New Year's Eve. During the period from 18.00 on 31st of December 2022 to 8.00 on 1st of January 2023 - number of payments executed was 15.380, from which 2.037 were realized from 23.00 on 31st of December to 3.00 on 1st of January. IPS NBS payment system has kept high trend in payments for New Year's Eve, having in mind that number of transfers executed in 18.00-08.00 period last year was 15.369. Furthermore, this year number is 40,1% higher than one from two years ago - from 18.00 on 31st of December 2020 until 8.00 on 1st of January 2021 there were 10.975 transfers executed.
Payment system department