Generator / Validator

The Generator and the Validator are two services which the NBS has enabled on this website to generate (technical preparation) the NBS IPS QR code and to validate (technical verification) the already prepared IPS QR code.

The NBS IPS QR code Generator enables the payee to easily create the code by filling in the defined elements displayed in the form of fields to be filled in or by entering the elements for creating the NBS IPS QR code in the form of a textual string.

For the sake of a reminder, the NBS IPS QR code is printed on citizens’ bills for their monthly liabilities and enables efficient and easy payment. This way, issuers of bills with the NBS IPS QR code enable their clients to form a transfer order automatically, by scanning the code, using the data previously defined in the code. By scanning the code, the payer will pay the bill in two or three steps using his m-banking app.

The Validator represents technical verification of the already prepared IPS QR code by uploading a file with the IPS QR code in formats defined and displayed on the IPS QR code Validator page. After validating the uploaded IPS QR code, the user will see a datum as to whether the IPS QR code is in line with the technical requirements defined by the regulation or whether there are certain errors in the IPS QR code – in which case the user will be shown a log for every error that was determined.

Supported web browsers for Generator / Validator are Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Selected Browser must be on the latest version.